
Viewing and Managing Tickets

View Your Tickets

From the top menu, click on the "Support" section to view your tickets.
You will see a list of your open tickets by default.
To view resolved or all cases, click on the drop-down menu under "My Open Cases" and select the desired option (e.g., "Resolved Cases", "All Cases", "All Cases Last 30 Days", "All Cases Last 90 Days").

Search for a Ticket

Use the search bar at the top to find specific tickets by entering keywords related to your case (e.g., ticket number, issue type). Using a wildcard or asterisk will help improve searches (*).

View Ticket Details

Click on the case number of any ticket to view its details.

Update a Ticket

Within the ticket details, you can add comments or additional information to keep our support team updated on any new developments or clarifications regarding your issue.
Attach additional files if necessary by clicking the "Browse" button.

Close a Ticket

If your issue has been resolved, you can close the ticket by updating its status or contacting our support team to mark it as resolved.

Download Ticket Data

You can download a list of your tickets for your records by clicking the "Download" button at the top right of the ticket table.